Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hey guys! (or girls)
Welcome to the site! I know I've already done a welcome post but it wasn't very welcomin' so I decided too do another one a little more welcoming. Anyways I'm practally just going to do reviews and walkthroughs and gameplay of different games. I also have two pages called iPhone games and PC (and mac) games and on those I just recomend a bunch of games for you guys. I will be making an Xbox and an playstion page.. well I'll make the Xbox page when I get one ikr no xbox = lame but I'll bw geting one soon I promise! Anyway a little bit about me is I simply love gaming, I am a masive fan of battlefield and call of duty and valve. Anyway hope this is a better welcome than before but anyway, like I said in the other post the ratings of the games n display are from G,PG,M and MA so yeah. I know the blog doesn't look to flashy yet. just I'm on holiday so yeah. I also have a youtube that I share with mah friends Razorpython, Famesdemon and katskills check it out here:

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Hey, this is my new gaming blog. Basically its gonna be about games. Any games. So yeah.

C ya
- Go Roos 23

WARNING: Some games that I review or show gameplay could be rated PG or M